Climate change is becoming a huge issue and it’s more important than ever for households to reduce their environmental impact. The average family in the UK emits 2.7 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year, which has a massive contribution to global warming. But there are so many things you can do to keep this down.

To help you reduce your negative impact on the natural environment, here are five ways to be a more eco-friendly household.

Cut your energy use

The amount of energy your household consumes greatly impacts your carbon footprint. If you want to be more environmentally conscious, you should strive to use a lot less electricity and gas. Not only will this reduce your environmental impact, but it will also save you a lot of money on your monthly utility bill. There are many ways you can be more conservative with your energy, such as being vigilant about turning off lights and electrical appliances when not in use. Simple actions like turning your heating down by one degree can make a big difference, and find other ways to keep warm in winter such as putting on more layers and repairing any draughts in your home.

Use less water

Using less water has a hugely positive impact on the planet, as it diverts less water away from natural water sources like rivers and estuaries which helps to keep ecosystems healthy. It also reduces the amount of energy required to treat, pump, and heat the water you use. Spend less time in the shower and refrain from filling your bath too high. Turn off the taps when you brush your teeth and consider only flushing your toilet when really necessary. Use washing machines and dishwashers sparingly, and if you do dishes by hand, make sure you fill up a washing-up bowl rather than keeping the hot tap running.

Dispose of waste properly

The average person produces around 399 kilograms of waste each year. And it’s essential that it is disposed of correctly to prevent the wrong items from ending up in landfill and oceans, causing harm to the natural environment. Make sure you have a strict recycling system in your home and try to reuse items as often as possible rather than chucking them in the bin. Consider selling things you don’t need, for example, you can sell IT equipment with Equipment HQ!

Minimise food waste

We live in a very wasteful society, and a lot of households throw out perfectly edible food for no reason. Pay less attention to best before dates and rely on your sight and smell to judge the state of your perishable items. Plan your meals in advance to avoid unnecessary purchases and learn how to store food for optimal freshness.

Drive less

How many unnecessary car journeys do your family take each week? When you’re starved for time it can be tempting to drive short distances instead of walking but all those emissions really add up. Be smarter with your time management and consider walking or cycling when you next head into town. Try to consolidate journeys instead of making multiple trips and generally be more conscious about your driving habits.