There are many skills for life that are better learned at a young age. Yet you can help improve your life and the lives of those around you with specific talents you can develop at any age.

Healthy Routines and Physical Activity

Sticking with healthy routines is easier if you learn at an early age. But it’s never too late to begin physical exercise, develop new patterns or quit bad habits like smoking. However, starting something new to change your life can be challenging. Sometimes you need to be shown and taught how to do something, and other times you need motivation and encouragement. Fortunately, you can attend local centres for things like swim lessons, group therapy meetings for mental health, coffee mornings, and get-togethers to stay social.

Essential Life-Saving Skills

You never know what will happen from one moment to the next. And you could find yourself in an emergency situation without warning. When in danger, your brain will trigger the flight or fight response, and you can control this to stay and help those in need. This alone is a skill. However, other essential skills like emergency management, first aid and staying calm under pressure can mean the difference between life and death. You can master these with classes and exposure to real-life situations through job-based training, such as police, fire and paramedic training.

Skills for Getting and Keeping a Job

Staying in secure employment is never guaranteed, no matter how good you are at your job. You can lose it at any time. But the real skill comes with how you deal with such a situation. You can look for a new job and increase your chances of keeping one with the following skills:

  • Demonstrating strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Experience with making decisions and solving problems such as cutting costs.
  • Staying assertive and showing reasons why you are the best person for a job.

Of course, some jobs require specific skills such as programming or cooking. But these are skills that anyone can learn and effectively apply. Yet abilities that relate to mental attitudes towards getting the job done and showing exceptional control are hard to come by.

Emotional Control and Anger Management

Emotions are part of being human, and it’s one of the things that separates us from animals. It also allows us to form connections and experience the ups and downs of life. However, emotions can also be so strong that they cloud judgement and confuse your reasoning. And not only negative emotions. For instance, being overly cheerful could compromise critical thinking when hiring a new employee. But anger is also detrimental and could cause severe problems in your life and work. So learning how to manage emotions is key to staying on track.

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic

The ability to understand language and numbers is fundamental in any society. Yet, in the USA alone, around 15% of the population (over 30 million) cannot read or write. There are various reasons for this, primarily social and economic. However, if you can’t read, write or do simple maths, you have a lower chance of a well-paid job. Commonly, you are taught these skills in childhood since learning them as an adult becomes challenging. Fortunately, you can find free basic literacy and numeracy classes at colleges, rec centres and public libraries.


There are various skills for life that pretty much everyone needs. These include getting into healthy routines, skills for employment and standard reading, writing and mathematics.